If you use a monthly flea treatment regular shampoo can wash away the treatment and your money down the drain. As a preventative measure, you need to use a soap free dog shampoo to ensure that this does not happen while keeping your dog clean. Finding the right shampoo for your dog can be a bit of work as there are many brands to select from, including all natural and organic formulas. It does not necessarily matter which soap free dog shampoo that you use on your dog as long as it is truly soap free.
You spend considerable money each month on your dog’s flea treatment and it would be a shame to have the flea treatment wash off and not protect your dog from flea’s and other pests. The right soap free dog shampoo will get your dog clean and smelling fresh but keep the oil from the flea treatment right where it needs to be. Finding the right soap free dog shampoo is the biggest problem that you will face as you will want to make sure it does not counteract the treatment.
Another problem with soap and detergent shampoos is many dogs are sensitive the soap and it can aggravate allergies and cause itching. If your dog has sensitive skin then a soap free shampoo is the right solution for them. You can get soap free dog shampoo is many of the same scents and types as regular dog shampoo, making it easy to get your favorite scent.
Finding the right source to purchase your shampoo from is easy because you can purchase from an online pet store. You will not only get a better selection than is available at your local pet store but you will get the soap free dog shampoo and any other products that you order shipped right to your home. No longer will you need to travel to the pet store for shampoo when you run out.
Using a soap free dog shampoo instead of a shampoo with soap or detergent will not only help preserve your dog’s flea treatment it can also help to improve any flaky, itchy skin or dull coat from allergies. A soap free dog shampoo is the best choice for many dog’s and will not aggravate a dog that does not have an allergy to detergents, it will only help them. Purchasing your new shampoo online will also save you time and money.